Thursday, June 30, 2016

Rozdílné snímací kamera

Jak jste si představit, poker kamera může být instalován do jaké druhy přístrojů
že si můžete vzít, když budete hrát poker hazard? Telefon? Ano! USB kabel? Ano!
Pokerové žetony? Ano! Hodinky, kožený pásek a dokonce i manžeta.

Vzdálenost různých pokerových snímací kamery jsou různé, si můžete objednat vzdálenost, kterou potřebujete.
Pokud jste se nudí se svítícími označených karet kontaktních čoček,
můžete zkusit poker skenovací fotoaparátem.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Infrarot-Kontaktlinsen können Sie in Poker-Glücksspiel schützen

Es gibt keinen Unterschied in Erscheinung zwischen leuchtenden Gläsern
und normale Sonnenbrille. Sie müssen sich also nicht um ein Verdacht zu kümmern.

Die Infrarot-Kontaktlinsen ist für die unsichtbare Tinte markiert Karten. Sobald Sie es tragen, Sie können die Markierungen sehen auf der Rückseite der Spielkarten. 

Wenn Sie nicht wollen, für Betrug zu verwenden, Sie können es nur für beim Spielen Selbstschutz verwenden.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Nu uita cine ești se schimbă, locul de amplasare se schimbă, peisajului se schimbă.
Singurul lucru pe care nu se va schimba este inima devreme.

Chiar dacă aveți cărțile luminoase marcate, lentile de contact IR, analizor de poker, inseala camera de poker,nu lasa dorinta ocupat de inima ta.

Amintiți-vă întotdeauna direcția de a merge

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ogni giorno, ogni istante sta cambiando

Ogni giorno, ogni istante sta cambiando. Non si può prevedere il futuro, soprattutto in un gioco di azzardo.

Ma ora, in una partita di poker, è possibile vedere quali carte giocatore ha! Inchiostro invisibile, carte segnate luminosi, le lenti a contatto a infrarossi,
stampante carte segnate e così via. Non credere? Si perde di nuovo il gioco.

tutto sta cambiando, ma ora non c'è possibilità di prevedere le carte nel gioco del poker. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Keep up with the pace of science and technology.

With the progress of the times, science and technology change rapidly.

 At first, you heard of luminous marked cards, invisible ink, remote control dice, but few weeks later, there are many new devices, such as, date cable poker scanner, auto tracking scanner, far IR camera system
Don't be content with things as they are,  if you are, you will lose.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Code à barres marqué cartes

il y a d'autres cartes spéciales marquées que les marques sont sur le côtésauf pour les cartes marquées formelles que les marques sur le dos. Nous les avons appelés codes à barres marquée cartes.

Toutes sortes de cartes de jeu peuvent transformé en code à barres marquée cartes. Ils utilisent avec la caméra de balayage de poker et un système de balayage de l'analyseur, tandis que les cartes marquées formelles sont une utilisation avec des lentilles de contact IR ou des lunettes de soleil lumineux.

Il est plus pratique et facilement pour tricher à Omaha, Texas hold'em, Baccarat, Andar Bahar, et d'autres jeux. Peu importe le jeu de poker ou le tour de magie, ces merveilleux code à barres marqué les cartes peuvent vous aider beaucoup.

Monday, June 20, 2016

How you cheer yourself up

Sometimes, we will down for no reason, just fell sad and do not wanna talk. So what would you do at these time? Reading, excercising or listening to music? will do something exciting to cheer up myself. For example, I will use the poker devices to win some money or just to have fun. When I using the luminous marked cards, ultraviolet contact lenses, car key scanning camera and Iphone 6 analyzing system, I concentrate myself on people around me and those cheating accessories. 

After finish the game, I will feel good , no matter I how much money I win. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Como trabalhar bem com as cartas marcadas

se houver primeira vez que utiliza marcada cartão pecado jogos de azar, há várias coisas que você deve ser cuidadoso.

primeiramente, acalme-se. Basta agir como você está jogando as cartas normais, porque ninguém sabe que está marcas na parte de trás dos cartões.
E a seguir, você deve usar a tinta invisível cartas marcadas habilmente. prática e prática, até que u não vai vender urself fora. E as lentes de contato infravermelho devem manter-se na água pura.

Última, boa sorte para você.          

Thursday, June 16, 2016

New product-iPhone Charger case poker scanner

Lighter and watch scanning camera are good for except their short batteries life, for around 3 hours.
So, many customers urge for a long battery life scanning camera. To meet this requirement, we finaly developed the iPhone power case poker scanner.

This advanced poker scanning camera can use with different poker analyzer, and it also can charge for real iPhone. This way would be more secret and safe for you to play the Texas holdem or Omaha game.

Bee No.92 club special luminous cards

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Normal playing cards reading
If you are afraid to be found using the marked cards, here are another cheating  device for reading the normal cards without marks.
we can add a 
 scanning poker camera toyour iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 or 5S without sacrificing its own function now.
We install software inside your iPhone, using the front-facing camera, and send you the signals.
The device will tell you each piece of the cards.
Don't hesitate, just send us your iPhone, and we can help you to be the winner


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hell and heaven, only separated by a layer

All all jealous flame, always start burning from our own.

Especially when you in a poker gamble. You can't lose your mind when others win.
They may use some poker cheating devices that you don't know. For example, the luminous marked cards, infrared contact lenses, poker scanning camera.

How to get rid of the situation that you lose money because others play a cheat marked cards with you? The correct thing to do is turn round and go away.
Hell and heaven, only separated by a layer.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Différentes cartes marquées

Beaucoup de gens ont dit que le code à barres marqué les cartes sont plus pratiques que la commune a marqué les cartes, pour IT ne pas utiliser les lentilles de contact à infrarouge.

ITU réglé et la caméra de balayage de poker et scanner analyseur système. et l'importante SIG mince que la caméra de balayage peut être installé dans beaucoup de choses. comme le téléphone, le câble USB, bande de puissance, des jetons de poker, montre, plus léger, votre brassard et ainsi de suite.

Personne ne peut imaginer qu'il ya une caméra secret à l'intérieur de votre montre ou autre chose. Et vous pouvez commander la distance que vous aimez.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Upgrade yourself

100 years ago, people didnot expected that the robot could clean the house, wash the dishes, and even play chess with the human being.
Today, can you believe that there're some cheating poker devices can help you win? Invisible ink cards cheating, perspective lenses, poker scanning system, all of these stuff are useful.
If you are interested in these poker cheating accessories, you can go and see:                                    

copag 4PIP marked cards

copag 4PIP marked playing cards

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Infrared marked cards are useful for you

When I was a kid, I was very admire the magician,because the magic shows they played were inredible.Today I think the children are the same.
You want to play a simple magic show for your kids? Maybe we can help you.
Marked playing cards with glasses, and other poker cheating devices can help you succeed.